Thursday, October 26, 2017


My highly valued helper and proof reader throughout the season

Time for a break with a cold Genny and silent retrospect.

The awards this season...we'll call it the Big Zach Attack!

The treasured precious metal first place trophies!

Some leftover skins winners...and losers.

What makes this league work is the contributions.  Thanks guys!

If you see him with this on next season please report him immediately!

I don't see this happening ever again...LIP and League Champion.

Well done guys!

Zach, Zach and more Zach...he had it going-on this year!

Elvis knows how to pick his partners...He was missed at the banquet.

Updated golf league (Stanley Cup) trophy.  No more "Angry Birdies", they're all smiles!

The final, four page newsletter and stat sheet in a vintage Genny glass.

Thank you Mia from Magic Hat in Burlington, VT for your repeat support!

Thank you Danielle and Harvey from Genesee for your loyal support!

...the booty...

...more awards...

...the master trophy is running out of room...

Love those pillows!  Hope they're not on your desk Lachut!  You were missed!

1/2 of the championship team...Zach of "Angry Birdies"

The "better" half of that "Angry Birdie" marriage made in purgatory...1st place Champ Robby

...the equivalent of a fisherman's fish story for sure...

...never mind the beer...I need to get there fast with my buddy Jack

...standing guard over the 'booty'...

...taking it all in...people watching, especially this group, is most rewarding...

...not so small talk between friends and coworkers...

...never a loss for words with this group...

..."XXXL, XXL, XL, Wergin! where's the M?"

...this could be the start of something a banquet?

...Chuck is always willing to help a friend in need

"...what do you mean Paul? I filled it to the top!"

...No one had anything to say to our Native American friend...

...Hmmm, a foot wedge...what a great idea to improve my game...Hmmmm

Tim, the man behind the scenes who changes this from a chore to my joy.

...TD to need to send it, I will take it to Locks-of-Love myself...honest!

petition to break up the winning team, Angry Birdies forever 😈

...past champion Mike getting razzed...

...there's never a loss for words with this group...


...just look at that intensity and you'll know the definition of bromance...

...I don't remember you...did you play in the league too Tonto?...did you see my beer?

...Hmmm, where's Chuck? I think this financial report needs an audit!...

...John, corporate Brewmaster emeritus arrives as our honored guest...

John will be coming back into the fold to play with us in '18

...always a good idea to check the prizes before your name is picked...

...wait a minute, how did that Grateful Dead golf umbrella get in there?...

no foursome had a better time practicing their jabs, digs and dis'

...sage advice for the 2018 they really need it...


Our current corporate Brewmaster and defending 2016 champion Mike M. of "Shag Baggers" year you are going to see more of me and "The Puttz Bros" on this side of the page...

...Oooo, is that our first place prize?...gimme before ZS sees it!...

...rolling up the sleeves...getting down to the business of drinking and eating...

...I smell steak, steak, steak! (spoken like Cookie Monster)

Now imagine for a minute if this guy drank...I shudder at the thought... of the flood at Durand...err...been there and played in that 😱 won't be long now...Tony's taking our orders...😋

I asked for our waiter Tony again this year because nobody does it better!

...many congratulations to the league champs this year...

Another reason why this league works as well as it does.  People who care and who recognize where help is needed.

...eyes left...strategy planning for 2018 I fear...

...yep, that's me trying to get a word in edgewise...

...does it say there where we went wrong?...OH YEAH! NK to DP...DONT have your BEST round on WEEK #1

Newsletters delivered in classic Fyfe & Drum glasses...always a hit
...that Indian was creeping me's my disguise

...yeah, what could have been!...

...yep, I found my beer...Tonto had it behind his back...😵

...I will never again call my father DUDE!...I will never again call my father DUDE!...I will never again call my father DUDE!...I will never again call my father DUDE!...I will never again call my father DUDE!

...two Brewmasters front and center exchanging "war stories"

Hmmmm, 😕 I need some closure on GW's mailing and delivery charges

One of my many joys...a handmade thank you card from Tim filled with dead presidents and inventors 💲

...overheard as TD ran to the men's room...BM to the group..."I tried to take the pitcher away from him but he insisted on chugging it... "CLEAN-UP up in the library!"

...Deb, call me and say there's an emergency at home.  These guys are out of control!

You wish to win the league next year my grasshopper?  Don't have your best round on Week #1 young stink bug! 😁

...let's give thanks before we break bread...we do have a lot to be thankful for...

I'd do what I do without recognition or reward because I know your hearts, and they are good...

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thank You!!

Do you want me to abuse you again in 2018?

I'm the Brewmaster...I can will this ice cold beer into my mouth without touching the glass!

Excellent fare from the crew at Shamrock Jack's

The name calling for prizes begins.

This is the bad boy, time-out corner for those LVP'ers

...OH, you wanted this shirt! Go pound sand says Kaptain Obnoxious.

No I won''re not my boss anymore...I am playing the statute-of-limitations card I am

Hey, how did that happen?  I picked my name again!

Let me know if you see GW coming back from the restroom...I'm headed out to my car.

Figaro, Figaro... OH FIGARO!

Can my partner come out of the corner now?

I just asked Mike if he would be my partner for our 20th year ...

It was a good year and it can only get better!  I promise to leave my job at work...that will be the key to my success.
MAN! they put these utensil rings on tight!

SUCCESS!  I got it off and WE pulled off another successful year of league golf.  Thanks for all you do making what I do very easy.

Relax and have some fun...Best...gpw10/26/2017


Anonymous timbob said...

Gary, Nice year, nice job on pics, nice shirt, almost missed that!

10:01 PM  
Blogger Gary Wergin said...

You are all very welcome!

5:24 PM  

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