Thursday, May 25, 2006

Just another perfect and sun

Saturday, May 20, 2006

These are a few of my favorite things...

Mueller and Wergin calling it a day, heading up to the 19th hole.

Stalnaker "BIGFOOT" will be retiring from High Falls in a few weeks. Watch how his game improves!

Mueller took one for the team and you'll find the "shooter" Becker in the city lockup for assault with a bladed six-iron.

Powers always has a smile and friendly wave for those ball hawks in the woods.

Wendt and Hadley hoping they'll be discovered as golf sports-ware posers. Edwin Watts here they come!

Ernisse doesn't look wealthy but I know he is rich in many more important ways.

Would you buy a used golf cart from this guy? It includes two sets of clubs too!

Begy says, "The right tool for the job is in here somewhere"